Rental Chain

Renting can be difficult in Karachi, Pakistan. A good commercial place comes with several months of advance rentals and an equivalent or more amount as security deposit, Not only is entry difficult but so is exit, especially in tough times when the future is uncertain. You will most likely pay rentals during construction and will […]

Provide Every Thing At Raad

Setting up an office space of your dream is not cheap. Not only does it cost an unaffordable amount for many new startups and freelancers but it also comes with an opportunity cost. You loose time and effort in doing things that don’t matter to your business growth. Why waste time when you can utilize […]

Explore Flexible Option at Raad

Need a single seat office? Get it at RAADNeed a 100 seat call center? Get it at RAADNeed tables? cubicles? Conference setup? Meeting space? Round tables? Square tables? Walled tables ? …..You can still get it at RAAD, Alhamdolillah. Flexile options with flexible timings at multiple locations are available at RAAD. Inbox us for more […]

Hassle Free Selection

A new year for a new beginning. Start a business at RAAD with full operational support. We are offering the easiest terms at the most affordable rates. Skip that month long search, negotiate , discussion process and settle down with us in minutes. Inbox us your WhatsApp number or Contact us for more details.


Doing business in Karachi, Pakistan isn’t easy. Dealing with 20 different entities for seamless operations is enough to drain any businessman. At Ra’ad co shared office spaces, we take away the operational hassle so you can do business with EASE! From fully serviced and furnished single seats to large office with capacity of more than […]

We are with you all

A faceting effect livens up and interrupts the cubism that sets the morphology of the West system apart from the cliches of modern design. Characterised by its suitability for use in a wide range of different…